Thursday, 7 January 2010

Bicycle Races

A sense of wonder often occurs for me when I look at sports people either elite or your Joe average.

Here we have a fit healthy person spending alot of time exercising to build a healthy fit body so they can run a little bit faster than another person.

Is this a thing that we should admiring. The energy, dedication and drive that people put into these activities glows from the human heart. It can show the very best traits in perseverance and mental strength. Or should we be wondering what happens to these gains in physical condition when the person ages, and can no longer exercise at the level they were. Should this energy be put into something more worthwhile, such as finding a way to empower the downtrodden. Or maybe developing more energy efficient means of transport or energy generation.

The human condition is transitory, we live, we die and that is it. How vain are we to think that we can reach for immortality through money earned, records won or genetics passed on.

Life is a bicycle race, for all the pedalling you do, for all the stages you win or lose. We all finish at the same place, the end.

Pedal at your own pace and do what you have to to make it worth your while.

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