Monday, 14 July 2008

Being a Parent

I just had a bath. Very enjoyable, but I had lots of little red spots on my legs. ??? I thought to myself. Then it dawned on me. Bloody gorse and thistles.

It was curriculum day today after two weeks of school holidays and my son had decided he wanted to travel 300km's to go fishing. We cancelled that and went eeling on a neighbours property. Took the dog, the rods, and some scraps of meat, waded through the gorse and thistles both on our property and theirs then spent 2hrs lovely hours on the side of a river bank. We caught nothing. My sons casting skills have improved dramatically though. We had a nice time. Good Father and Son time.

We came home and had lunch, then went and picked up my daughter from from her sleepover with a friend. She was quite insistant that I share some time with her so we played one of her favourite PS2 games, "Kingdom Hearts" We had good fun.

It makes me think that it is important that I continue to spend time with them even as they age.

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